Weather Cam

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*Note: On your first visit to the webcam, you may need to download the browser plug in from the link on the page.

Please follow these steps:

1. Click on the link and download the plug ins.
2. Close your browser
3. Install the plug in that was downloaded.
4. Restart your browser and return to the webcam link.

PASSWORD: #quadscam

**Mobile users please note it is recommended to use an app to view webcams.  A good version for both IOS and Android users is the “IP Cam Viewer” by Robert Chou. Choose the Free Lite Version in either Google Play (for Android users) or Apple Store (for IOS users).  After downloading and installing the App, “Add a New Camera” with the following settings: Name: Quads Cam, Make: Foscam, Model: Foscam C1, Host/IP:  Http(s) Port: 8150 Username: guest Password: #quadscam